The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Junjun

Surrey, United Kingdom

One of Lavenders suffers from too much rain. I planted it last spring and it was not so bad till few days ago. I didn't know anything about gardening when I bought it so I didn't add any compost and just planted into flower bed.

I put thing for it to avoid getting soaked by rain directly but its root must be over watered. I am thinking if I should move it under a tall tree where is always dry or dig it out and put compost and vermiculite to improve drainage and plant it back. Could you give me advise to save my lavender? Thank you very much!



You know, Junjun, I don't think there is a problem with your lavender, though you're maybe seeing more than I can. I think what you have here is old, dry growth which could have been cut off after flowering last year, plus a whole lot of lovely new growth, which you can take cuttings from now. You could tidy it up by cutting out the old, dead bits, maybe, but I wouldn't worry too much. No, they don't particularly like too much water and thrive in hot sunshine, but it doesn't look as if it's dying yet!

20 Apr, 2012


I agree with Gattina. The dead looking bits have new growth all along the stems. It looks fine where it is. Welcome to goy.

20 Apr, 2012


Your lavender will not thank you for digging it up, though they prefer drier soil they will thrive perfectly well in the wet and where you live is in the drought area so the rain will be soaking right down into the ground not accumulating in the top few inches which is the case up here.

20 Apr, 2012


It's fine, doesn't need an umbrella either... nice new growth coming, it'll look great in six weeks...

20 Apr, 2012


Thank you very much for your comments! Sorry for asking silly question I was bit afraid as I killed another lavender last year. After rain stopped it looks much better today:) Oh it started to rain again, good timing to come back from garden, phew!!

20 Apr, 2012


As long as you don't have drainage problems, the amount of rain won't make your lavender drown, Junjun - its in open ground by the look of it, so there shouldn't be a problem.

20 Apr, 2012


Junjun, your question wasn't silly - you had a valid concern and asked for advice. So far as I am concerned there is no such thing as a silly question only a silly answer - and we do get those on GoY at times!

20 Apr, 2012


I agree with Moongrower Junjun. I have asked questions and when I got the answer back I thought my question must have seemed a bit stupid, but we all learn as we go along. What can be glaringly obvious once you know the answer is not always so straightforward when you are faced with making a decision on your own. I value my membership of goy because I learn from the questions of others as well as from the answers they get.

20 Apr, 2012


And that (Scotsgran's answer) is the main point of this site - to learn... even those of us who may appear to already know it all, lol! I've learned a lot more since joining this site, often because someone's asked a question, I don't know the answer, and do the research to find out.

20 Apr, 2012


Thank you so much for kind supports! I have lots of question about gardening but try finding answer on internet or book by myself first but sometimes I can't find answer and want to get other gardeners opinions as well. It is great to be able to use these kind if website. I also check other people's questions and learn lots. Thanks to everyone here I do enjoy gardening more than ever:)

20 Apr, 2012


That's exactly what this site is all about - not just growing things, but reassurance, friendship and an exchange of ideas: it's often a lot of fun, too. Welcome to GoY!

20 Apr, 2012


Ditto! :o)

21 Apr, 2012


Yes Scotsgran is so right! I check in regularly though rarely contribute to the answers unless I think i might have something useful to add (and am feeling particularly confident). There are some very knowledgeable gardeners here but my questions have always been received with respect and humour. Like you Junjun, I learn loads just by reading the daily questions and answers. In fact I've been away for 10 days and am currently enjoying catching up and ignoring the housework. Ten days worth of gardening know-how! What a joy to catch up on GOY! Haha

21 Apr, 2012


Yes that's true! I can learn lots of things on this site and love reading others questions. Also I am glad to know that lots of people try to sort out problems which I have. I enjoy seeing garden's photos too. Each gardener has own taste and gives me lots of ideas. Great:)

21 Apr, 2012


I tell you, Junjun, joining Goy eight months ago has meant that I have a whole different perspective on gardening, and am spending WAY too much on seeds and plants and greenhouses, but also am fired with enthusiasm for weeding and sowing and mulching and feeding - things that didn't really mean much before. If my garden isn't up there with Kew and Wisley and Sissinghurst within a year, I shall be surprised and disappointed. There's a lot of inspiration and loads of ideas on here. You can make a lot of very good friends, and have a good laugh, too.

22 Apr, 2012

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