By Pdb
United Kingdom
I have got all my seeds in the house at the moment. They are growing at different stages but those that have got good growth would I be ok to put them in my unheated greenhouse. Just a bit concerned about the cold weather here in the north west. Thanks
22 Apr, 2012
Many thanks CRV. Will get the removal van in tomorrow!! Will your iris 's flower this year? Apart from some Venus poppies, cosmos and few others I am growing mainly hardy perennials. Not sure if they will flower but one thing I've learned with gardening.... Patience !!thanks
23 Apr, 2012
Hi Pdb,
I've got all my seeds in my unheated greenhouse in the NE, again at various stages, some growing strongly, some still to show through.
I keep a daily eye on them, I open the greenhouse door during the day and shut it at night, they don't seem to be suffering because of it.
Most of my seeds are half hardy annuals, I also have got Iris, Galdioli, and Day Lilies starting off in pots (bought them this year) to give them a head start for the summer as it is cold here in the NE too.
I've also got my Onions, Leeks and Garlic growing away in pots again because of the cold.
My wonderful lady has her Chillis plants growing in pots in the GH, they haven't grown hugely but haven't keeled over and died either, although her Chilli seeds haven't germinated yet.
We are just trying things out and seeing what works and what doesn't.
Good luck.
22 Apr, 2012