By Detta
Courgettes and Pumpkins
I visited some gardens in Holland the past few weeks and bought courgette and pumpkin seeds amongs others :)...
this will be my first time growing these two veggies...
Instructions are in dutch which unfortunately I do not understand...
Their final position will still be in big pots, if they survive.
Should I start off the seeds by planting each seed in a 7.5 cm pot? Do they need light to germinate?
Any help with growing them in pots will be appreciated.
22 Apr, 2012
I prefer to sow them on their side in cell trays rather than pots.
I do this for a couple of reasons and they are, I can keep them warmer, which helps germination, I use less compost, and once germinated I can prick out the whole plug into 3" (75mm) pots containing potting compost.
There are some pictures here;
and here;
I hope this info helps...Tg
22 Apr, 2012
Shame you already have the seeds, Detta, there is a newly developed strain of courgette which is a climber, ideal for growing in pots. Sorry, just a comment, not a lot of use to you now, I know.
22 Apr, 2012
Gattina does raise an important point, though. Courgettes are bushy plants with very short "vines", and are normally easy to keep in very large pots--50 cm wide and tall, at least--while pumpkins grow very long vines, which can be hard to handle. If it is one of the smaller varieties of pumpkin--'New England' or smaller--it can be grown on a strong trellis, with the fruit in cloth slings attached to the trellis. Larger varieties--'Jack-O-Lantern' or larger--can present a challenge. Maybe only allow a few fruit form near the pot, and support them on crates, while the rest of the vines grow on a trellis?
23 Apr, 2012
Type the info on the seed packets into Google translate. Tell it the text is Dutch and you want it in English - it will translate for you. Possibly a bit roughly but it will be understandable.
22 Apr, 2012