Well advice
By Hayleym
United Kingdom
I live in a small semi detached house in Cambridgeshire; in our small garden we have unearthed a well.
The well is probably 1.5 meters – 2meters wide at the ground level and opens a little further below the ground, my husband and I feel that this a unique feature and wish to “clean it up and sort it out” to keep it. We unfortunately do not know what we must do or who we can contact for help as to the next steps to take, costs involved and if the top of the well could possibly have a modern alternative to the wishing well topper.
If you are able to offer any advice or point me in the direction of anyone you believe I can contact to help, I would be extremely grateful.
On plant
24 Apr, 2009
The well does have water in it although we do need to dig it out further as there is still a large amount of debry inside, it is currently approx 6 ft deep at the shallowest and approx 11 ft deep in one area.
I haven't taken a look at the deeds but will try to find out more.
My immediate neighbour has advised that the previous owner used the water via a pump into the kitchen until the 1980's although i am not sure how accurate that is, from the state of it! I have also been advised that there are other wells in some gardens down the street, and that they were used during recent drout periods over the past 10 years or so, however we don't know which neighbours as they all change soo often at present with so many sales!
24 Apr, 2009
Probably the first thing that you should do is to secure the well so that trespassing children don't fall in.
If you want to use the water for domestic consumpyion you should contact the local council Environmental Health for advice on getting the water tested.
To make practical use of the well an electric submerged pump would probably be the easiest way of getting the water out. Carting buckets around the garden can soon get a bit tiring!
25 Apr, 2009
Once you get it up and running, gets some lights fitted inside the well. I've seen this before and it looks fantastic.
What a feature.
25 Apr, 2009
Thank you for your suggestions, I will speak to the councils Environmental health team and see where we can go from here, we have also begun to think about putting in some lights, even if we are not able to use the water I am sure it will become a lovely looking althought not necessarly useful feature.
Keep those suggestions comming!
26 Apr, 2009
Previous question
Is the well dry, or has it got water in it?
What does the deeds of your house say about it?
I would ask neighbours if they know any history on it.
You could contact the local council or water board.
How deep is it?
24 Apr, 2009