West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
is it wise to compost celandine when it has been dug up?
many thanks for your replies folks
22 Apr, 2012
Agree absolutely not - unless you have a death wish or want to introduce all over you garden!
22 Apr, 2012
Any hints on how to dispose of white stonecrop? We don't use the council's garden rubbish disposal facility as we burn or compost everything else we want to get rid of, but this wretched weed is absolutely EVERYWHERE.
22 Apr, 2012
That would definitely go in our brown bin for the council to turn into compost!
23 Apr, 2012
Do you mean Sedum album? If so it should compost ok as long as the heap gets to a good temperature.
23 Apr, 2012
Wouldn't risk it in ours...
23 Apr, 2012
23 Apr, 2012
I know our compost does not get hot enough.
23 Apr, 2012
Only ask, because I throw almost every bit of every Sedum on our heap, as long as it is not in flower and they all rot away eventually.
23 Apr, 2012
We tend to bung to the municipal compost anything we would prefer not to see appearing in the garden...
23 Apr, 2012
Trouble with celandines is when you did them up they always seem to leave a bit behind...I glyphosated a patch of mine this year out of desperation. Pity because they are so glorious in the sunshine...
23 Apr, 2012
No, no and thrice no. The bulbils on the roots do not rot down easily. Burn or bin.
22 Apr, 2012