have been given bare root cuttings when will they flower
23 Apr, 2012
Welcome from me too Amanda. Any chance of a photograph of one of them if they are all the same. Bare root usually means the plant comes with roots but not planted in soil, instead the roots are wrapped in a plastic bag or hessian to keep the roots moist until you get them in to your garden. Have you planted them in the garden or in a pot.
23 Apr, 2012
Wont help you though SG unless Amanda tells us what she has bought bare rooted!
23 Apr, 2012
Mg, I was taking it for granted that she would answer your question first and maybe add a photo so if she does not know what she has we might be able to identify it. Hopefully she will send an answer today. She may well have been given them because if she had bought them I would hope they would have some information on the packaging.
24 Apr, 2012
So sorry did not reply have been away working all week, just home hooray ;)
The bare roots are from an agapanthus which a lovely old lady gave to me. I already planted them into pots and they are showing good signs of growth, when should I plant them out and will they flower this year. Thank you guys for your quick responses ;)
27 Apr, 2012
Sorry but Agapanthus are bulbs no way could you grow them from cuttings... I think as Scotgran has already stated we need a photo.
27 Apr, 2012
I think maybe we have a bit of a muddle here. Amanda did you mean your friend had split up a clump of agapanthus and given you some rooted plants which you then had to plant in your garden. It is easy to get confused at the terminology used on gardening programmes etc where people are always talking about bare root plants or cuttings. In the gardening world MG is right you do not take cuttings from bulbs but if your clumps get too big you can split them and give some away. Sounds like it might be sensible to think of that as a cutting. In gardening speak that is not a cutting. I had a terrible time learning computer speak and I can assure you gardening speak is much easier to get the hang of, however we have not answered your question yet and we need your help to unravel the mystery.
27 Apr, 2012
Hello, she marked the ticket up as agapanthus and I did think they were bulbs and said this to her. I am sorry I cannot send photo as they are already planted, but I can say they were like big fleshy roots in the form of a spider if this helps. Sorry but am a real novice and try to pick things up as I go along. Thanks for your help.
27 Apr, 2012
Sounds exactly like agapanthus should flower this summer!
27 Apr, 2012
Great thats cheered me up as sometimes you hear some plants may not flower in first year.
27 Apr, 2012
Thank you for getting back so quickly Amanda. I agree with MG. I hope you will post photos of them. You will get big leaves soon which will die away and then get flowers on their own in the autumn. It might worry you that they are dying but they won't be.
27 Apr, 2012
Previous question
Hi Amanda and welcome to GoY. Bare root cutting of what? Sorry but unless you can tell us which plant/shrub it is we can't help you.
23 Apr, 2012