By Evelyns
United Kingdom
how do ikeep ducks out
23 Apr, 2012
visiting ducks
23 Apr, 2012
They can be a terrible nuisance, and I speak from experience. I am afraid, if it is even possible, that pretty much the only answer is adequate fencing round your garden. If, however, these are wild ducks, they'll still be able to fly over anything.
If it's any consolation, ducks aren't as bad as our latest visitors - giant porcupines, which are digging holes in our lawn and flowerbeds, and eating our potatoes and broad bean seedlings. At least you can go up to ducks and shoo them away.......!
23 Apr, 2012
Oh dear , and we thought we had problems! What a prickly problem.
23 Apr, 2012
They can be really quite aggressive, apparently, and you don't want to be on the receiving end of a porcupine having a hissy fit. I have to admit that I haven't actually seen them in the garden myself, but our neighbour has. I don't THINK she's joking.
23 Apr, 2012
Gattina - I am SO glad we do not have porcupines visiting!
As to ducks then fence your garden well!
23 Apr, 2012
ducks cant take of strate up like a lot of birds i suggest a low fence with netting over the top stretched tite . they just wont feal comfortable on that at all . i know there a pain in the a£$e gattinna but id love to see a huge porkupine lol xxx .
23 Apr, 2012
Is it true they run at you backwards to attack you?
23 Apr, 2012
Gattina, I think your neighbour has been hitting the bottle! I didn't think they were a European beastie, they are found in the Americas, Africa and Asia. I now have visions of you rooting round your garden looking for them. Don't turn your back to them!! Lol.
23 Apr, 2012
they are african ones escaped and now ferral i do believe cammomile correct me if im wrong . ducks dont run backwards to attack you infact i dont think ive seen a duck walk very fast or run backwards for any reasen .
24 Apr, 2012
Spot on, Nosey - we have the smaller, local versions, but I've never seen one, the African ones are HUGE. Quite scary, and you don't want to get anywhere near one - in front of or behind!
24 Apr, 2012
the lions have to be starving or young and stupid to take one of those quit large rodents out and often wont touch them . they shake there quills together that are up to a foot or more long and there reverse barbed on top of that . not only can they jam up a 100 of these very deeply into you but because of the reverse barbs like on a fishing hook its hospital tim and lots of pain .
24 Apr, 2012
We've seen them doing their very charming mating dance a few times when we've been driving late at night. Only an idiot would get out of the car to get closer - they can puncture tyres, too.
24 Apr, 2012
punture a car easy ive seen a dog puncture a car tire lol . sorry sterogram i thaught you ment ducks ran backwards lol . just a blond moment lol . porkupines put there quills in your direction and if you get to close yes they will push backwards to force there spines in . some people think they fire there spines but thats not true lol xx .
24 Apr, 2012
Maybe a scarecrow? You could have fun making one out of a few old clothes and a mask.
24 Apr, 2012
Not sure a scarecrow would deter ducks! Sorry Evelyns this thread has gone way off topic! If you are trying to keep the ducks off the actual garden then fencing is the only solution that I know of; not sure what the netting NP is suggesting is for a pond? Would look decidedly unattractive! We used to have Moscovy ducks, which are actually the size of geese - extremely messy and noisy!
24 Apr, 2012
I've said it before and I'll say it again - you learn something new every day. Apologies to your neighbour Gattina, you do have porcupines in Italy and mighty big ones they are too. I would die of fright if I was confronted by one!
24 Apr, 2012
I love the picture of ducks attacking backwards NP - thanks for the giggle!
24 Apr, 2012
lol sterogram xx . porcupines are so sure of there toughness youd have to hassle them to be botherd bye them and ofcourse mad lol .you do see something new every day i said something similer untill gattina told me they were ferral . if you only knew how many of what we call british wildlife actualy isnt ie most if not all types of pheasant,rabbits,blach and grey rats , grey squirells,signal crayfish, munk jack deer and even wallabies in scotland . a lot of the natural species like bears,wild boar,brown bears etc are gone for ever . good old humans . are Moscovy ducks the big mostly white with black on them and got a lot of reddish pink and whatles on there face mg ? there stopping feeding ducks,swans geese etc in a lot of local places now because of rats and there droppings and theres a lot of cannada geese taking over in norfolk .
24 Apr, 2012
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Out of your garden, your pond??? Are these your ducks or visiting ducks?
23 Apr, 2012