What is it?
By Nelke
This plant I took from a stone´s hole last year. The stone lay in the full sun, the shallow hole was containing rain-water, but falls dry in times, of course. I settled it in my "swamp"-pot, it grows quickly. Is it a saxifrage?

25 Apr, 2009
I would say definitely not a saxifrage - succulent yes but no idea which one
25 Apr, 2009
looks like a lampranthus but can't be sure :o)
25 Apr, 2009
is it one of the stonecrops. they are a succulent and have long swollen fat sausage shaped leaves.
25 Apr, 2009
I think it is a Stonecrop (Sedum) but certainly an unusual one. Until it flowers we cant be sure if Delosperma or Sedum... If Delosperma it will have a daisy type flower. If Sedum a starry flower with few petals.
25 Apr, 2009
Previous question
No i don't think its a saxifrage either, i agree about it looking like a succulent though.
25 Apr, 2009