By Goldfish304
United Kingdom
Has Anyone ever grown tomato plants from tomato fruits? I have just done this and was wondering if plants will be ok.
25 Apr, 2012
I do it every year!
I have a number of varieties that I have collected from fruit that I have liked the taste of.
I am not saying they taste exactly the same as the ones I first tasted ( usually the year before) but I am usually pleased with the results.
I have one variety that I have been growing for over ten years, I have named it " Feurta" because it originates from seed I saved from a tomato I ate and liked in Feurtaventura all that time ago.
I have one called Tatton which I saved from a tomato I tasted at Tatton flower show two or three years ago.
Add to that I have one called "Eddies" another called "Keith's plum" taken from tomatoes that these allotment colleagues gave me.
I have a few others but their names escape me for the moment.
If proof is needed lots of people on the allotments get their tomato plants from me each year as they think they are better plants to grow and the fruit is tastier than GC purchased plants.
To date I have orders for over thirty plants.
So contrary to what you read / hear from the experts who say this does not work I beg to differ!
But in the end the choice is yours.
25 Apr, 2012
Oh yes, been doing it for years, they do as well as any out of a packet, I have also done it with my cucumbers as well, forgot last year and now kicking myself, 5 seeds in a packet, only 3 grew,its extortion, lol....
25 Apr, 2012
When my old dad was alive he bought a packet of tomato seeds for Woolworths called 'Essex Wonder' and he would save the seed from the largest and best shaped tomato, wash and dry them, keep them in a paper envelope and sow them the next year. Always managed to grow a good crop. Haven't seen the variety for sale for some time.
26 Apr, 2012
They also self seed all over our tunnel from ones which fall off and are not noticed when the place is cleared at the end of the season.
We also used to get a good crop of them when we used Sewerage farm manure, many years ago.
26 Apr, 2012
Previous question
« using some compost from last year's gro bags. I'm growing potatoes in bags...
my daughters did from cherry toms 5 yrs ago. they got cherry tom plants but they were not identical fruits. they were a hybrid and tasted ok. if you want a specific variety you have to buy the right seeds.
25 Apr, 2012