By Suzywonkles
United Kingdom
Dahlia corms - should these be popping up through the soil yet? I've planted other bulbs, gladiolli, lilies, and they have made progress but nothing yet from the Daylias; is it too early yet? I couldn't remember where exactly I had put them so I had a bit of a dig to find out aha! Nothing at all sprouting from them as yet, so put them back in in the hope that it is just too early. Thanks! Sue :D
27 Apr, 2012
Thanks Bamboo :)
27 Apr, 2012
I leave mine in the ground all year - they even came through the winter before last. Mine are just peeping through. Mind you, we live in a relatively milder area and have extremely well drained soil.
27 Apr, 2012
I think the soil in Hampshire is over a clay substrate, like London, and mine don't survive outside here over winter.
28 Apr, 2012
Ah, well dahlias should be started off in pots indoors or in a greenhouse - you pot them up and don't water, then as soon as growth starts, you start watering. Plant or pot outside mid to end of May, they're frost sensitive. Get yours out of the ground asap - with the wet weather we're having, there's a high risk they'll rot in the ground.
27 Apr, 2012