By Kmash1109
United States
How many cucumber seeds should be put in each hole for planting?
29 Apr, 2012
If planting directly in the ground, are you planting in an open field, or is a trellis in the plans? If the former, I would plant 3 groups of three seeds per hill--in wet climates--or basin--in dry climates. Once the first or second true leaf has formed, thin out to the best seedling in each group. If trellised, plant groups of seeds every 3 feet along the trellis, and thin out as above.
30 Apr, 2012
Hi Tug......wouldn,t have thought of growing them outside especially in our fickle climate..... :0)
30 Apr, 2012
It works in many parts of the U.S., though parts of the Pacific Northwest have just as much trouble as the UK!
1 May, 2012
Mine can keel over in the GH if we get a cold spring......
2 May, 2012
Plant one seed in 3 inch pot with seed compost and as soon as the have got there first true leaf plant up into a larger pot and when about 4/6 inch high plant into there final planting position.Welcome to goy.
29 Apr, 2012