By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am a little concerned about my compost bin it has got a smell that I do not associate with them its almost a sweet smell they is some manure grass cuttings and a lot of spent compost from last years tubs and veg waste is it ok or is there something wrong
29 Apr, 2012
I think it sounds ok to me,Steve...They do refer to it as sweet smelling,don't they? Mine always has a similar long as it's not a sour smell,and doesn't look slimy...maybe you need to give it a good mix,to aerate it a bit..get your fork in it to to turn it might be too compressed,and if quite dry,add a little water, you see any red Brandling worms ? is so,it is a good sign...
29 Apr, 2012
We crossed there,Derek..but at least we agree.:o)
29 Apr, 2012
Great minds think alike bloomer, lol. Derek
29 Apr, 2012
If you say so,Derek ! :o)) ..
29 Apr, 2012
have a little check for a dead mammal in there if it realy smells odd but as said its probably fine .
1 May, 2012
I'm with Noseypotter - if its a heavy, cloying sweet smell, it may be some small rodent or mammal that's died in there - the decomposition process produces that particular smell. Smell it once, you recognise it for ever after...
3 May, 2012
i used to work on a chicken farm your right there bamboo . strangly enough ive had rotting vedge smell much worse than a corpse thow .
4 May, 2012
Hi Steve, well made compost should smell sweet, it only smells sour if you get it wrong, it should be nice and crumbly, not too moist, not too dry, Derekm.
29 Apr, 2012