By Tulsalady26
United Kingdom
I have got wild garlic in my garden, can i use it for cooking ?
1 May, 2012
And if you run out...ive got about 30 tons of the damn stuff in my garden !!!!!!!
1 May, 2012
Son makes pesto with it...
1 May, 2012
I saw a demo by the chefs at Jamie Oliver's restaurant in Cornwall where they were making pesto with wild garlic. Very cool, and there's plenty round here!
Your species is probably different to ours which is Allium triquetrum. I imagine you have Allium ursinum, also known as Ramsons.
1 May, 2012
Thank- you all for your answers, i might have a go with pesto.Thanks very much for the offer Andy, i think i've got plenty lol.
1 May, 2012
Have a look at Lulu or Sticki,s blog about their visit.....I think Lulu made wild garlic pesto
1 May, 2012
Try a leaf in a ham sandwich instead of lettuce - gorgeous. Or shred it a bit and add to a pan of fried mushrooms at the end of cooking, leave just long enough to wilt the leaves.
1 May, 2012
Go for it!
All the above comments fit the bill.
2 May, 2012
Thank- you all for your help, I can't imagine why I didn't think about using it before. :o)
2 May, 2012
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You certainly can. There are lots of recipes on the net you can google for.
1 May, 2012