East Midlands,
United Kingdom
I recently sent for the "Free" Freesia bulbs from Gardeners World and have set them in a pot. I have read in one or two gardening books that they should be discarded after flowering because they are not hardy. Is this correct or will they be OK if I put the pot somewhere frost free for the winter ? Also, the compost I bought from Homebase seems to develop a whitish mould on the surface when I set seeds in it and yet this doesn't happen with other types of compost. Have other members found this to be the case as well ? Thanks a lot.
2 May, 2012
You lift them and store them over winter as you do with Gladioli. I did leave some in a pot this winter and they multiplied loads and all feel turgid - so they are more hardy than people say, though it was a mild winter.
Store them in slightly damp sandy soil with something protecting the top - mice love them.
2 May, 2012
Many thanks Nariz and KMorie - I'm glad they can be kept as I hate thorwing plants away unless they are dead !
3 May, 2012
Just to say - I had a show of Freesias in a pot last year, kept the pot by the house wall all winter and have been rewarded with two of the 12 bulbs flowering. Not exactly a burst of confidence, but shows it can happen.
2 May, 2012