By Nana_d
United Kingdom
Hi because of the amount of rain we have had I have water laying down the left hand side of the garden where my year old clematis are growing can anyone tell me if this will damage them at all? Thanks in advance.
2 May, 2012
Hi Kildermorie it is always prone to getting soggy but this is the first time I have got water laying on the top and it has been laying of top for a couple of days looked this morning and it is draining away a bit now.
2 May, 2012
If the area is always prone to being soggy it is not a good spot for clematis.
2 May, 2012
The good thing about the heavy rain is that it showed the parts of the garden that has poor drainage. I aerated the parts of my lawn where the rain flooded with my fork and it did make a difference. I would also fork over the area (gently) where the Clematis is and add in compost. As Moon Growe has said boggy conditions are not good for Clematis. The wet and cold in winter is when it can be deathly.
2 May, 2012
Thanks Moon Grower and Kildermorie will go out with the fork tonight if it is not raining lol:)
2 May, 2012
If you want to keep the clematis in that spot try to get some horticultural grit into the soil around the shrubs.
2 May, 2012
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How long is/has the water been lying and does it do it in the winter? Does it get waterlogged every time it rains?
2 May, 2012