By Bez
United Kingdom
We have an 8' privot hedge which has gone bare at the bottom, probably due to the fact that other bushes have kept it in the shade. These bushes were trimmed right back approx 18 months ago but the bare patches are still there, despite frequent feeding. We are going to trim the hedge to about 6' to try and stimulate growth from the bottom but in the event that this does not work what could we plant to grow up into the privot which will help fill the gaps? My husband thought Photinia might be a good option, it would certainly brighten the hedge. Any advice would be appreciated
2 May, 2012
Many thanks for your advice, I will certainly take it on board
3 May, 2012
Trimming to 6 feet is unlikely to have any effect on the bottom of the hedge. Privet will regrow from however low you cut it so if you face it you could cut it down to 6 inches and it will regrow.
Otherwise as you say covering the bare patches is the only option.
Privet sucks nutrient/water out of the ground and not much will cope with growing close to it unless you give the new stuff hefty amounts of nutrients/water.
Euonymus should cope OK with this.
How well new stuff will survive will depend on how close to the privet you intend to plant things. Very close and you'll have a problem
2 May, 2012