By Pakie0
north lanarkshire scotland,
United Kingdom
what is the best product to feed tomatoes and cucumber and yellow courgettes
2 May, 2012
Sorry I have to disagree with you Pam.
Cucumbers need both nitrogen and potash in equal measures to produce good plant and fruit results.
As you will be aware you can generally purchase either a high or low nitrogen and high or low potash feeds, but not a low phosphate feed.
So I find a balanced feed is best.
I did a google before writing this article to confirm my beliefs, and it seems that even the experts have differing opinions, some say as you do and others say nitrogen feeds are best.
So I think I will stick with my balanced feed and sit on the fence ;))
2 May, 2012
I actually agree with you Tee, in another blog this week I explained that whay I actually dowith my grobags is to add the slow release fertiliser (osmocote type) to be sure that all the nutrients are covered and then feed regularly with high potash, grobags as you probably know are a bit bland and this way I,ve stopped the possible deficiencies.......I didn,t mention it at first to Pakie as I don,t know where they are being grown and thought it may complicate matters
Saying that my poor seedlings need sun and that doesn,t come in a bottle......:0)
3 May, 2012
Quote; My poor seedlings need sun!
Tell me about it!
It's been one thing after another for me it's season so far!
It started off with the seed compost I used burned the roots of my seedlings!
The multi-purpose compost I bought was rubbish, a better name for it would have been; "Not fit for purpose" compost!
Then as you say lack of sunlight and it is quite cold also.
I usually have my heating switched off by now but as I see it, it will have to remain for another couple of weeks yet!
Is this what is known as; " The joys of gardening"?
3 May, 2012
We,ve solid fuel heating, last year we stopped lighting the stove early early may!
3 May, 2012
You need a high potash feed as that will encourage flowers and fruit
2 May, 2012