By Pauline1245
United Kingdom
looking for a shade loving climber, please
3 May, 2012
Hi Bamboo,
thanks for the prompt response, I live in the
this mild enough?
I have duplicated this question with more detail..didn't think the first one had gone through.
3 May, 2012
It was only the Schizophragma - I should say that it flowers better if it gets some sun, but it should be fine against a fence or wall, provided its not subjected to northerly or easterly blasts during winter.
3 May, 2012
Pileostegia viburnoides will also take shade (and stick to the fence if well-fed and growing strongly)
3 May, 2012
I saw your other post, Pauline - shade loving, evergreen, pretty flowering in summer - don't exist I'm afraid!
4 May, 2012
Hydrangea petiolaris springs to mind - if where you live is mild enough, Schizophragma too. Obviously there's ivy (hedera) choose H. helix varieties, or Fatshedera lizei, not exactly a climber, but likes the shelter of a wall or fence - will need support, and only gets about 4 feet.
3 May, 2012