Sun loving climber with light coverage .. to 3m ideas?
By Ohlilymylove
Kingston, Surrey,
United Kingdom
Hi would anyone have any suggestions for a red/yellow or orange climber for my full sun pergola, I want something manageable so perhaps a small campsis radicans or perhaps a clematis (i.e. montana would be out of the question) but I am looking for a fairly light coverage as anything denser more would render our suntrap a bit too shaded. I had annual sweet peas previously which worked well as they clung quite tightly to the frame (with a little guidance of course !) but would like something more permanent.

26 Apr, 2009
What about a trumpet vine - my sister had one on her back wall which had beautiful orange flowers (they abound in Italy but can grow in a sunny position). Don't know its Latin name. They grow quite big.
26 Apr, 2009
Look up Ecremocarpus Scaber, also known as Chilean Glory. It comes in yellow/red/orange varieties, climbs well and altho' it dies down in winter, will re-grow..
26 Apr, 2009
Thanks for the welcome and the tips! .. I finally opted for a red trumpet vine/campsis .. I found one that goes to about 3 metres, which are less common than the larger 12m or taller varieties. I am not sure what to expect, so I have opted only to cover one side of the pergola this year to see how it goes before planting the other side!
7 May, 2009
Previous question
If you go to Taylors Clematis site they list Clematis in G1 G2 and G3, G3 only get to 6' high, they also tell you all about each plant, i use it to choose my Clematis they are specialists so know what they are talking about, they also do other climbers such as honeysuckle. Hope that helps a bit!!! Welcome to GOY!! :o)
26 Apr, 2009