By Nev
United Kingdom
good evening we have just cut down our conifers which was hiding a fence behind and we would like again to cover the fence but with easy manageable shrubs or climbers also evergreens that are not too wide.
The fence height is 6 foot and is quite a stretch.
thank you
4 May, 2012
You will need to take out the conifer roots and add lots of good compost to the soil before planting theough as they are greedy trees and will have taken all the nourishment from the ground.
There are some evergreen berberis that might be OK and they have yellow flowers in spring.
4 May, 2012
in addition there are clematis that will fit the bill for being evergreen and/or flowering at different times. Honeysuckle and Jasmine will also do the same job.
welcoe from me too.
oh and cottoneaster come in a range of shapes and sizes, also with lovely berries in the autumn
4 May, 2012
a nice virginia creeper or an ornimentle grapevine would do well once youve reinvigorated the soil . on the grape vine when i baught mine it said hight 90` . the price had come off of it and it had a latin name but i loved the huge leaves and the potential size . i went over to the head plantswoman and asked her while pointing how much is that climber that grows 90` . she looked at me realy old fashioned and said i doubt it grows 90` . then she noticed what it said and hat to eat a large slice of humble pie lol .it definatly lived up to its name . id say 90 feet is a bit conservative . its all round my garden perimiter and 35` ish up in my cherry tree and i still have to keep it trimmed back . a stunning plant that realy comes into its own in autumn when the leaves start changing colour with the virginia creeper runnibng threw it also going all sorts of yellows and reds and all colours in between . some of the leaves are as big as dinner plates . its one of my faverite plants as it goes .you can obviosly keep it as big as you like .its on one of my blogs somewear . i have quit a few lol .
5 May, 2012
thanks to all for replies
I will look into these it is exciting being part of a new community although I am not very experienced in the gardening front I am sure I will learn lots from you guys
and hopefuly pass on my own tips with time
5 May, 2012
your welcome . everyone has to start somewear . youl soon get adicted to gardening lol x .
6 May, 2012
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« Hi I bought a Clematis alpine 'Columbine' planning to put alongside a small...
Pyracantha will look good as it is evergreen, white flowers in spring and red, yellow or orange berries in autumn /winter. It will be self supporting and can be cut back to quite a narrow width. Welcome to goy.
4 May, 2012