Can you suggest an attractive treemax height of about 2metres
By Crustycat
United States
I need a wind tolerant tree for a small garden in Central Scotland.
26 Apr, 2009
how about Rowan or Mountain Ash, they flower and fruit beautifully, berry colours range from red,orange yellow and cream depending on variety. Their foliage and growth is light and airy.
26 Apr, 2009
Crustycat - if you go for a Rowan, and they are wonderful, you might want to consider Sorbus Cashmiriana we've had one in the front garden for over 10 years and it is still less than 6 foot in height. Has beautiful pinky white flowers in spring and big white berries in autumn - interesting the birds are not interested in these so they stay on the tree all winter. We've grown them on from seed and they come true.
I'd have suggested the Japanese acers but not in a windy area as a their leaves get burnt and torn.
26 Apr, 2009
Previous question
I am sure you will get lots of suggestions but one that jumped into my head because of its lovely blossom right now is one of the small apple trees on a dwarf rootstock.
26 Apr, 2009