Problem with insects, help?
United Kingdom
We have a small planter garden in our bunglow. Whilst the all the flowers do well, we have a big prblem with green, white and black flies. Also caterpillars and slugs are a problem. Can anyone suggest an all round cure
26 Apr, 2009
Many thanks, but we have tried this and many makes of pest killers from the supermarket, works for a couple of days and then it back to sqaure one
29 Apr, 2009
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« I need a wind tolerant tree for a small garden in Central Scotland.
You can spray with a soapy water mix to remove the wee flies. As for the caterpillars and slugs the easiest thing is to pick them off by hand and drop them in the wheely bin or feed to the hens if you have any.
26 Apr, 2009