Do indoor tomato's need feeding only when they flower?
By Craftnutter
Norfolk, United Kingdom
Also, do they need watering every day? The leaves do seem a bit droopy each day, even tho' the soil is still a bit damp! Finally, how do I "pollinate" when the flowers do come?
On plant
- 26 Apr, 2009
No, I believe it is only recommended to start feeding them once you get the 3 or 4 Truss of fruits, preferable with Tomorite. There should be plenty of Nutrients in the soil to provide sufficient growth until it reaches this stage. Normally pollination normally accurse when the garden fav Bees come along and helps to carry pollen from one flower to another. As it's an indoor Tom, I would suggest using a paint brush to help with, the pollination, just brush the pollen on each flower to help speed up the process
26 Apr, 2009
Feeding tomato plants once they begin to flower gives them a boost to produce more flowers and better fruits. To avoid the fruits splitting maintain a steady watering regime. If you take a look at the photos I have posted of my indoor tomatoes you will see that I am using inverted plastic drinks bottles. I find I can make a better judgement of how much water I am giving them, it is directed straight to the roots, watering / feeding becomes a less hit or miss affair.
Just tapping the plant supports will help them to pollinate, although in my experience I doubt that it is necessary.
My greenhouse already has that lovely tomato smell about it, can't wait to see the first fruit. Lol.
26 Apr, 2009
Ok, folks, thanks so much! Being my first tomatoes, I can't help be over protective of my babies! Lol!
26 Apr, 2009
Hi CN,
Most warm days will be when they need watering. Damp down the floor when it is hot to stop them flagging Dew over with water to pollinate.
26 Apr, 2009