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Kent, United Kingdom

when to plant tomatoes out in cold greenhouse



Depends on what part of the country you are. At the moment it is still cold at night so I am bringing them into the conservatory for the night and might have to pot them on again for a while. You should be pretty safe in a couple of week's time.

6 May, 2012


Hi O.t. Maybe even now and cover them over at night with fleece or bubble wrap! I'm down in the SE. and have planted my courgettes out in the open, they will have to take their chance. So fed up with all this wet in this drought!

6 May, 2012


My tomato plants have been in an unheated greenhouse for 3 weeks and have made about a foot in growth, mind you thats the only thing growing in this awful cold.

6 May, 2012


Thank you all for your very kind replies, I failed to mention I live in SE London/NW Kent, and this is my first time at this and its all a bit new. I will leave the Toms for another week hoping the temps, rise and get back on track. I`m sure I will have more questions for all you seasoned gardeners in the near future, thanks again.

7 May, 2012

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