which is the most aromatic plant?
By Rad
United Kingdom
we are looking for a plant to sit outside the front door that will give off a pleasant aroma to counteract the smell of cat wee and squirrels that we seem to get an abundance of.
27 Apr, 2009
I have just planted an evergreen climber, which flowers quite a while each summer, with the most heavenly scent! It's a Ceonothus and will last 10 years.
27 Apr, 2009
Rosemary would also be good in a sunny spot, it's evergreen and you can brush the leaves as you go by. For shade, Sarcococca, the winter box, has fantastic scented flowers for weeks in winter and is evergreen. Pots of lilies could help in summer, or stocks or sweet peas.
27 Apr, 2009
Just a thought, but you could also try putting a hanging basket by the door, to provide scent at a higher level too!
29 Apr, 2009
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Is the area in the sun? Lavender is good - not french lavender, though, it is pretty but doesn't live long. I like the scent of Choisya ternata, and the aromatic scent of its leaves, too - not everyone does, though, so sniff it next time you pass one and run your hand over the leaves.
27 Apr, 2009