By Japon
United Kingdom
I need a tough yellow evergreen.........Any suggestions?
9 May, 2012
Choysia "Sundance" springs to mind, and some junipers - e.g. Juniperus Chinensis 'Aurea', but, as MG says, "Horses for Courses" - conditions and a list of requirements would be useful.
9 May, 2012
My old standby Euonymus Fortunii Emerald 'n gold id you want something that doesn't get very tall. (Except that it will send long shoots up a wall if planted next to it)
9 May, 2012
That's what I would suggest, too, Steragram.
9 May, 2012
And me!
9 May, 2012
If you want something bigger, Elaeagnus pungens 'Frederici' has pale yellow leaves with a green rim. E. x ebbengei 'Gilt Edge' with its yellow edge to the leaves is strikingly yellow in winter, tough as old boots, doesn't mind a fair bit of shade either. Otherwise, Euonymus japonica 'aureopictus' has good yellow variegation.
9 May, 2012
Yes, eleagnus is a great idea
9 May, 2012
Where are you going to plant this 'tough yellow evergreen'? Sun, shade, soil conditions, how big do you want it to grow? More info needed please.
9 May, 2012