By Tropicalbabe
United Kingdom
is it possible to grow incarvillea from saved seed ,no luck so far! it seems to be frost hardy.
9 May, 2012
I have plenty if you want them,how did you chill outside? or in fridge?
9 May, 2012
I have grown from seed on a number of occaisions. Unlike Owdboggy I prefer to sow the fresh seed as soon as I get it and then leave the pots outdoors over winter. When large enough the seedlings are potted on into individual pots until flowering size. The pots live outside all year round and I find them completely hardy.
10 May, 2012
Thanks,have just read this so I will plant them in spring and hope for the best!
30 Aug, 2012
Yes, in short. I have done it on many occasions. Indeed, it is the only way I can keep the things. I usually sow the seed early Spring and leave it to get chilled and then the seed germinates around now.
Sadly I lost the plants before they set seed this time so no Incarvillea for us this time round.
9 May, 2012