By Jansouth
United Kingdom
going on about orlando shrub as bamboo suggested i think it could be orleander shrub how when do i prune them and what earth do i need to repot them thanks for advise
9 May, 2012
thanks bamboo that information is helpfull wil get right soil and repot keep fingers cross i will take photo when and if bloom this year some one bring the sun out all day.
9 May, 2012
Certainly need hot sunshine for oleanders to flower well - appalling to think that maybe that hot, sunny and dry March was actually our summer. Blink and you'd miss it...
9 May, 2012
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I think Beattie suggested it originally, Jansouth.
If you believe they are oleanders, the usual time to prune those is after they've flowered, but by July at the latest, to allow time for any new growth to harden off before winter sets in. For repotting, suggest John Innes No. 2, or a mix of that and multi purpose potting compost. When you do prune, wear gloves - the sap is toxic and a skin irritant.
9 May, 2012