dandy lions
By Dwarf
west yorkshire,
United Kingdom
please could someone advise me on how to get rid of dandy lions in my lawn.carnt use weedkiller because ive been told it would kill the lawn. more and more are apering every day ,thank you .,DWARF
On plant
27 Apr, 2009
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Or put a pinch of salt in the heart of the plant - dehydrates the roots.
27 Apr, 2009
About 10 days ago with a watering can I sprayed my lawn with soluble Weed and Feed. There are many different brands of this on the market. The grass is definitely thicker and the leaves of the weeds are curling and dying just the way I hoped. That's one option you could try.
27 Apr, 2009
i have just answered this on the next q up have a browse :o)
27 Apr, 2009
Verdone is a selective weedkiller for lawns. It won't harm the grass.
27 Apr, 2009
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There are weedkillers which kill broad leaf plants without harming the grass (As long as you use them correctly). If you have a newly sown lawn then the only way is to carefully spot weed the dandelions with Roundup on a paint brush. Paint the centre of the plant and wait! They do take a while. Dead head while you wait 'cos they can and do set seed whilst dying.
27 Apr, 2009