By Billfielding
United Kingdom
could anyone please tell me how i can get rid of red ants in my lawn without damaging it
12 May, 2012
Armillatox. It kills ants on contact. It won't harm your lawn, but it will kill any moss where you use it.I used to use the product now sold as an outdoor cleaner........ The product hasn't changed. You can view it's uses on the US site.
13 May, 2012
thank you very much for the response much appreciated
13 May, 2012
Hi Bill and welcome to GOY I asked the same question yesterday but didn't get any response so I will look out for some Armillatox,never heard of it before.I have more ants than ever this year in my grass,starting to look a mess.
13 May, 2012
My husband hates ants (mainly because they swarm during his cricket matches in the summer and they have to fight them off) but I won't let him kill them in the garden or on the lawn - they don't do much harm and when you mow the lawn the little heaps of earth get flattened. They are more beneficial than not in the lawn, helping to aerate it and they predate (is that a word?) other undesirable insects. I certainly couldn't pour boiling water over them - such cruelty. I believe you notice them more in wet weather when they nest nearer to the surface because of flooding - so thats why they are more noticeable at the moment.
13 May, 2012
When the,ve bitten me a few times then its them..or me its so painful! They inject you with an acid that is sore for days......or maybe I,m just more susseptable.........I,ll leave it to the woodpeckers....he brought his baby one year it was just so cute
13 May, 2012
Previous question
I do'nt 'hate' much but red ants.....ugh...they bite and its so painful!
Natures answer is green woodpeckers, they love ants, we've been lucky that one now lives around here.....the old trick was boiling water on the nest
13 May, 2012