By Zahra
I live in a hot and humid country in Bahrain.I had wounderful geraniums this year and huge big cented geraniums too. It gets too hot here,now May 14th and the temp is 38 centigrade about 100 fahrenhit.It gets above 120 F in August!!! really boilimg. How can I store my geranium for next year in this heat. Everybody is talking about how to sstore their geranium from frosting but not me.
On plant
14 May, 2012
Hi Zahra, i live in Bahrain too and all my geraniums are dead by now , i think it will be next to impossible to save them in this hot climate
14 May, 2012
Previous question
Where you live, it won't be necessary to lift and store your pelargonium geraniums. We only do that here because our winters are cold and damp, a combination which these plants hate, so they usually succumb to fungal conditions rather than being killed by the cold. I am not sure whether they will shrivel and die in such extreme heat, though. Certainly in warmer parts of Europe, these plants are outside year round.
14 May, 2012