By Irene1953
United Kingdom
Hi again this may sound a stupid question but my OH planted seeds of all descriptions in his cold frame about 5 weeks ago and he has not got 1 pot that is showing any sign of life at all should he throw these out and plant some more or leave to see what happens
14 May, 2012
Possibly some creatures such as slugs are eating sprouting growth ?
14 May, 2012
Given how cold it has been up here I would think the seeds are just taking a long time to germinate.
14 May, 2012
Ok I will let him know before he throws them out. I know de did sow parsley, livingstone daisies & sweet peas also some lobelia & petunias
14 May, 2012
All but the parsley really need more warmth than they will get in a cold frame in Aberdeenshire right now.
14 May, 2012
Lobelia and petunia are tiny seeds and should not be covered with compost. They start out tiny but grow...eventually. Maybe best to try again?
14 May, 2012
Depends what he sowed - if he sowed hardy annuals, some of those can take a while to show, specially as the weather's so unseasonably cold. If he sowed half hardy annuals, they'd need heat to germinate.
14 May, 2012