By Sarraceniac
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Unknown clematis I.D. please.
I bought this along with about a dozen other clematis at Morrisons when they were doing them at £1.49 each and, of course, lost the label. Singles with 4 petals and a lemon centre only about 2-3" across. I wondered about a montana but it is too well behaved in my experience of montanas. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks if you have and sorry for the poor photo.

15 May, 2012
Looks like a montana to me, possibly hasn't got into full gallop mode yet :-)
15 May, 2012
possibly a montana. I lost my C. montana Elizabeth this winter :o(.
15 May, 2012
Certainly looks like a Montana.
15 May, 2012
Not an armandii. Certainly not evergreen and it is flowering now. I lost my armandii in the big freeze of Dec. 2010 so bought another one, but not for £1.49.
I, as I said, thought firstly of montana but it is 3 years old and this is its first flowering and it is growing very little. My only other montana is 'Elizabeth' which I have to go after with a machete every year. I think it's mother was a triffid. Lol. You may be right MG so I'll just see if it gets a spurt on if we get a summer. Strange thing is I don't remember buying a montana at Morrisons, but I've had mislabeled stuff from their cheapos before, or maybe a 'senior purchase?'
15 May, 2012
Supermarkets & GC's are notorious for having mislabelled plants. Doesn't help that customers take a label out of the pot to read it and return it to an entirely different pot!
15 May, 2012
What about Clematis 'Anita' if it isn't a Montana? Flowering at completely the wrong time of year of course. My money would be on a Montana Grandiflora though.
This spring I too discovered a Montana I was sure was an Alpina when I planted it last year! (Shame only 2 of the buds actually opened though.)
15 May, 2012
I took a cutting of Montana spoonerii 10 years ago. It sat in a pot for 3 years with just a couple of leaves. Then it showed some growth. I planted it next to my pergola and for a further 3 years it stayed quite small 5'. But the last couple of years it has got all the characteristics of the usual montana's. It grabs you as you walk through the pergola. The clems in Morrisons tend to be very young. So give it a couple of years and you may well be asking how hard to prune it. :-)
16 May, 2012
Thanks all. Based on this discussion it looks like I have indeed got a mislabeled montana. No problems now but if I had known I would have planted it somewhere where there is more room, like a public park. Lol.
16 May, 2012
That is the problem with Montanas they grow very big Sarraceniac. I agree with 2ndhand I have lots of Clematis and some have grown straight off but some seem to take several years. I do find the deeper I plant them the better they do.
16 May, 2012
Good thing is you can give Montana's a serious haircut and they just come back again.
16 May, 2012
I must admit I missed 'pruning' (aka 'hacking back') my Elizabeth last year, until I came to do my type 3s. Never mind, secateurs and loppers in October, and its fine. Apparently you can give them that haircut anytime.
16 May, 2012
I agree never seems to be a problem what time of year you do it - as soon as one of ours has finished flowering it is going to get a serious short back and sides across the top of the trellis, right now it is like an out of control honeysuckle!
16 May, 2012
Previous question
Is it flowering in May-June? could it be Clematis Montana Grandiflora?
Or does it flower in winter to late spring and is it evergreen if it might be Clematis armandii Snowdrift?
15 May, 2012