By Vrh
United Kingdom
I have a Money Tree (Malabar) there has appeared a white beard like fungal growth whih kils the new shoots.
What is it and how can it be treated ?
17 May, 2012
Thanks for the reply,I appear to have the Crassula and the fungus is adhered to the new growths,and rots the new buds.
Is there a spray for this condition,as I gather they are sensitive to fungal sprays.
17 May, 2012
Do you mean new growth at the top of the plant, or the tips of the stems? Or growth appearing from the compost, lower down?
Actually, a photograph would be a really good idea...
17 May, 2012
The white beardy fungus is on the tips of the new growth.
Thanks for your interest,you obviosly have a knowledge of succulents
17 May, 2012
I don't have any specialist knowledge of succulents, actually, just general gardening and houseplants. I think you're right, from what I recall this plant is sensitive to many chemical treatments. What's unusual is mould on the tips of the plant - more commonly, the trouble is at the base of the plant, with parts dying off at the base and rotting away where a fungal infection has got in, and the treatment for that is simply to allow the whole thing to dry out, with a possible pruning to allow more airflow. I wouldn't mind seeing a photograph of this fungus on the leaf tips...
17 May, 2012
Thanks for the commnets,will try for a photograph,the plant is not mine but that of a friend.
have looked at oter sites re this type of plant,but most of them do not deal specifically with fungal problems.
18 May, 2012
Been doing a bit more research - these plants do sometimes get Leaf Spot, and the recommended treatment for that is to 'water with systemic fungicide', so if you can do that for leaf spot, then you should be able to do that for other fungal infections. Doesn't give any info about rates of dilution though, so you'd need to consult the packaging of any fungicide you decide to buy.
In the meantime, make sure the plant is not waterlogged or very wet and increase air circulation round it.
18 May, 2012
You certainly are clued up on my question well done.
Will keep you up to speed in the next few days
18 May, 2012
Pachira aquatica is sometimes known as Money tree; Crassula ovata is known as Money plant. The first doesn't usually suffer from fungal problems, but the second does.
Pachira likes high humidity, should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Crassula, on the other hand, readily gets fungal infections if kept too damp, particularly in winter.
I'm wondering which one of these you have, and also, where is the beard like fungal growth? On the compost? On the stems or leaves?
17 May, 2012