what is the name of this plant????
By Chezs
west midland,
United Kingdom
I have just looked on site and saw what look like this, Spiraea Japonica my one has yellow star flowers which as black berries after flowering....chezs

24 Apr, 2008
i believe u r rite there Angie it certainly looks 2 be Hypericum
24 Apr, 2008
Thank you Andrearichterit is a Hypericum either Elstead or Forrestii, just looked on the online plant encyclopedia, thank for pointing me to the plant...chezs
24 Apr, 2008
This looks like a Hypericum, which is covered with large yellow flowers in the Summer and red brownis berries in the Autumn, it can spread and will grow into a large shrub. It is related to St John's Wort
24 Apr, 2008