Various questions about bedding (?) ...
United Kingdom
Hi Folks, I'll be preparing my containers and baskets for planting with summer bedding soon, in these next few weeks. I have a few questions which I'd be really grateful if anyone could advise me on:
1) I'm wondering whether anyone would know what type of bedding is best suited for growing in shaded areas? Most of my garden has a sunny aspect, but one or two areas are in shade, and I'd like to grow some here. I have a feeling Busy Lizzies do quite well in shade, and also some types of Petunias. I'm wondering what else there is that does?
2) What type of summer bedding is likely to last the longest into the autumn? Are there any type of plants which will still be blooming in late Oct and even into Nov? I found last year that Begonias are very good in this respect. Are there any others that do so notably? I want to avoid things that end in September.
3) What type of bedding is OK grown at ground level (rather than suspended in hanging baskets) within reach of slugs, and which the slugs are not likely to find attractive to eat? I will have some slug control measures in place, but if I can choose plants which they won't want to eat anyway, I won't have a battle with them?
I want to strive for my greatest display ever this year, and am in the planning stage.
With best wishes to all, JONATHAN H.
29 Apr, 2009
phew, i can maybe help with a little, i love asters and dahlias...they seem too last a long time,also pansies are fab for all year round, ice plants are fantastic in sunny beds and anual fuschias give a gorgeous display, good luck and don't forget the piccies!
29 Apr, 2009
Sorry to be such a pain Jonathan H. but could I tempt you to not use slug pellets, they do so much damage to the wildlife. Hedgehogs eat the dying slugs and die a horrid slow death themselves. I have written a blog on things you can do to avoid plants being eaten by molluscs. Basically, any new growth is tasty to them. I would personally grow the small plants in pots til they were too tough for eating.
Thanks for your time!
29 Apr, 2009
yes busie lizzies will do well in shade so will begonia sempervivens and both will go through to the frosts. both will meet your requirements.
tend not to do much summer bedding prefering low growing perenials
29 Apr, 2009