By Gattina
Gaura - I've had conflicting advice, sun or shade? I know it's supposed to be a tender perennial, but does one have to lift it in winter, or can one just put a covering of something like straw over it? Any general advice on care. please?
18 May, 2012
Just like chocolate cosmos both do not overwinter easily. I would be inclined to grow in a pot and submerge the whole thing in the garden in the spring and lift and overwinter in a greenhouse rather than lift and pot up from the garden.
18 May, 2012
Thank you both so much - I know just the place for it, then. I didn't know cosmos were anything other than annual, Jimmy.t.o.! Now I know their preferences, and knowing what silly temperatures we get here in winter, I shall make sure my precious Gaura overwinters safely in the greenhouse. I don't, however, have a heated one - do you think an unheated one would be sufficient? I am concerned that having it in a pot will make its roots vulnerable to freezing.
18 May, 2012
Ive planted loads in the garden at work....and they've all come through the last 3 winters.
I treat them as a hardy fuchsia (and same family too)
18 May, 2012
I think we might get slightly colder winters here than you do there, Andy!
18 May, 2012
My Gaura, The Bride, is happy in a sheltered spot by the wall, full sun, when we have any of course!
18 May, 2012
I wonder if the colour has any bearing on the hardiness - mine is a beautiful deep pink with red-tinged foliage. I do like the sound of your "Bride" Janey. Let's see if I can keep this one happy and well before I start branching out!
19 May, 2012
Yep, my daughter grows the pink one Gattina....a real beauty and quite different to my White one. I grew it from seed and when in flower stands about 4th tall with gorgeous single White blooms that look like butterflies resting on it ........
19 May, 2012
Gosh, Janey, I had no idea they grew that tall! Mine looks such a delicate wee thing (sorry, I've just been reading Pixi's poem out loud in a "scottish" accent, and it's hard to get rid of) so maybe I ought to start thinking about finding somewhere it's not going to mask other plants...:o(
19 May, 2012
Likes full sun and well drained soil, will tolerate partial shade. I can't say whether you need to lift it in winter - its listed as hardy, but I've never managed to keep one longer than a season here in London. Not sure whether that's the cold, or whether its the heavy soil here.
18 May, 2012