can i save a plant after spraying weed killer on it
By Rockyt
United Kingdom
the tree is called acer, sprayed weed killer on it by mistake
29 Apr, 2009
Dont be too hasty throwing or digging up your tree. Plants are quite ressiliant and tough. I have an Acer that last year suffered from flooding and died.
Well it's trying its best to grow again. Obviously only part of it died back, so I am left with a small trunk and a new shoot.
Give things a chance before writing them off.
29 Apr, 2009
Personally, I would try to remove the soil that might have the weedkiller on it and replace with fresh compost. Also, I would try spraying the plant with plain water to try and wash it off. Call me paranoid but I'd hate to lose an acer if I was lucky enough to have one!
29 Apr, 2009
Good idea craftnutter.
29 Apr, 2009
it depends on the active ingredient in the weedkiller, what does the bottle say? and did it get on the leaves or woody parts
29 Apr, 2009