Is this clematis 'Pillu' fully healthy or does it have a nutrient problem?
By Jonah13
United Kingdom
Is this clematis 'Piilu' fully healthy or does it have a nutrient problem? Is there anything abnormal about the leaf colour? It is growing in a substantial sized pot, and things are quite hard to get right in pots sometimes. It is just a couple of years old its roots have unlikely filled the pot yet. I'm quite new to clematis growing. Advice appreciated.

19 May, 2012
Yes, somethings has been taking a little bite. In fact some 'spots' are little splashes of Cuprinol. I can't remember the colour of the leaves last year. But I am wondering whether these are slightly on the yellowish side?
19 May, 2012
They do seem rather pale - if its growing in a very shady spot, that might account for it, coupled with the low light levels we've had so far this spring. Might be short of nitrogen, give it a general purpose feed - something like Miracle Gro multi purpose watered on weekly for the next 4 weeks assuming you're not feeding it already.
19 May, 2012
It gets full sun from about midday until 4.00pm. Is shaded the rest of the time. I gave it a general purpose feed a few days ago, the very same you refer to. I will give it weekly as you say. (And that's Cuprinol spot disease you noticed there). I hope it comes through. PS: So nice to see Bertiefox back isn't it.
19 May, 2012
Well, I'm sure you know that Cuprinol is pure poison for plants, Jonathan...
And yes, good that Bertie has popped up again...
19 May, 2012
Whooops! Good job it was only some tiny spots. Better keep it off my own skin as well in case it is pure poison for humans too. (I trepidate when having to spray roses). It's called ethno-dy-hydro-deatho-chloride or something. Comes back on you when the wind turns and Bhopals you when your on the step ladder! Cuprinol can't be the worst.
19 May, 2012
I don,t like the oilbased ones...the waterbased don,t upset me but thereagain don,t last as well...
19 May, 2012
I also have a piilu and it is about the weakest grower of my 30 or so clematis plants. Last year it produced about 6 beautifully delicate blooms but this year it has suffered from the windy conditions and is looking rather sad. I think it has the wilt. I would keep yours because the flowers are lovely when you get any, but also plant a more robust clematis if you have room elsewhere.
20 May, 2012
Oh dear, that is not very encouraging Pennyfarthing. Mine is fully sheltered from the wind by trellis to which is attached horticultural wind break material. So wind should never be a problem to it. ... I didn't know there were oil based fence paints Pamg. They might suit me better if I can find them as I have to apply Cuprinol twice per year to keep the colour up.
20 May, 2012
Most of the oil based ones have been withdrawn, Jonathan - Cuprinol and creosote were the commonest, and both have a very strong smell which lasts for some weeks. The vast majority of ones available these days are water based and if you have to apply yours more than once every 5 years, its probably waterbased. Easy to tell though - you need white spirit to clean brushes and equipment if its oil based, water if its not.
20 May, 2012
I have three Pilu on a north east facing fence Jonathan and they are the most abundant flowerers of all my clems !?? Months of double flowers and they get very neglected but pop up year after year but no I have no yellowing on any of them so its not just new growth :-)
20 May, 2012
I'm encouraged to hear that, Susie, and I'm sure Jonathan is too! I will persevere. However mine has definitely given up for this year.
22 May, 2012
Do you cut it back each year Pennyfarthing ? Maybe cut it right back now and you'll get the september flowers .
22 May, 2012
Is that what one should do? If after its first flowering it is pruned back, does it then put on a second flush in the autumn?
23 May, 2012
No, Jonathan - this in Prune Group 2, which means a light tidy up in February or early March. Cut it down now and you won't get the flowers later on this year, well, unless we have a very extended indian summer. You can cut it down to try to force new, healthy growth, but it'll be leaves and stems.
I've just realised that the clematis currently flowering in my tub which was labelled Dr. Ruppel is actually Piilu...
23 May, 2012
I did give it a light trim in Feb. It is budding up nicely now, in perfect synchrony with my rose buds. And yours too I should think.
24 May, 2012
Mine started flowering over a week ago, just one or two - now got several, but its only been in a year.
24 May, 2012
Piilu flowers again in september on new growth Bamboo but yes i would only cut it right back as a last resort if it was diseased or poorly.
25 May, 2012
Well, considering all experience here, I am going to risk cutting mine down. It has wilted anyway but because of the wind I think. If it puts on new growth in September, I sha'n't mind the lack of flowers this year.
27 May, 2012
Good luck Penny.I had to cut all mine down last year whilst we painted and repaired some fencing and I can't remember if I had flowers in the autumn but they have certainly shot back up now and are full of blooms :-)
27 May, 2012
Hi Jon has it always been that pale green? And it looks as if somethings been having a nibble at the leaves.....
19 May, 2012