By Handymann
United States
it looks like the barberry bushs i ordered fromsummerstone nursery are not doing good at all they seem to be dieing and summerstone will not guarentee the plant unlike other nurseries i delt withi cant even get customer service to respon to my plee to replace my plants its only 10 like that will break the bank you would think out of 10 plants at least one would so some sign of life but none areit looks like im stuck with 10 dead plants all my other bare root plants are doing just fine butv i ordered them from spring hill nursery a good compant
thank you
19 May, 2012
Right having read your second question when did you plant the barberry bushes? Has thee been any sign of growth on any of them and what conditions, soil etc., are they planted in? It would also be useful to know which particular barberry (Berberis) you have as there are over 400 different species!
20 May, 2012
Hi Tom not sure what you are asking or wanting us to do... we are not a nursery we are a bunch of gardeners who come together to ask for and give advice on gardening. If you have a complaint against Summerstone Nursery or Spring Hill Nursery you need to take it up with them directly.
20 May, 2012