Shade all winter - a little sun in summer
By Tigger50
United Kingdom
Any suggestions for a pretty shady damp spot? I look out of my kitchen window onto a blank fence all winter. There's a very large fuschia bush there at the moment (look very old) which I think I'll dig up and replace with ...??? I'e thought of buying a Red Robin (sorry don't know proper name). Will it survive there with no sun in the winter. Oh and I live close to the sea although the garden is sheltered.
24 Apr, 2008
I can recommend Beth Chatto's Woodland Garden "shade-loving plants for year-round interest" book next time you visit the library. Its full of ideas.
24 Apr, 2008
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« Hasw a rosette of leafs with red stem creeping along the ground i don't know...
Hi Tigger50 difficult spot esp for winter interest.Could try Garrya Eliptica - silk tassle bush , not doing much in summer but in winter drips with silver grey catkinlike tassles.Evergreen tolerates coastal spots can be grown on north wall Shade tolerant so ticks most boxes.looks great when off set by red berries of Skimmia japonica or Holly.Red Robin(Photinia) needs a degree of light to get those new red shoots at their best.
Other plants to consider are Helebores and Solomons Seal (polygonatum) for summer interest Tamarisk love coastal gardens and have lovely fronds of pink flowering stems.
If you have a degree of sun try Cytisus battendeiri Pineapple broom yellow tassles have pineapple aroma .so most seasons covered by this group. Hope these few suggestions give you food for thought.
Welcome to goy.
24 Apr, 2008