By Stokey
United Kingdom
Is there a nice way to deter slugs and snails?they keep eating my mother-inlaw's marigolds.The little swines!
22 May, 2012
Many thanks Miss Bamboo,i'll get some today.I've seen that many i nearly opened a french restuarant!
22 May, 2012
I believe there is some sort of copper band you can surround susceptible plants with, too, that is very effective, or sharp grit. It just means that they'll go off and find something else to eat, though!
22 May, 2012
Play them recordings of national politicians.... this will bore them to death
22 May, 2012
Yes, but you have to have a modicum of humanity, Anchorman - that is a terrible, slow, painful death!
22 May, 2012
lol :)))
22 May, 2012
Oh I dunno, Gattina - I suspect suicide would follow fairly quickly...
22 May, 2012
Beer traps at least they die happy!
22 May, 2012
You can always ask them nicely to leave your mothers plants alone!!, they wont, but there,s no harm in asking them,lol, best bet as far as I,m concerned is slug pellets. Derek.
22 May, 2012
I'm all for a swift despatch - get your Mother-in-law a pair of very heavy boots........
22 May, 2012
..... or a stone with a sharp slicing side! You'd have to clean the boots off eventually - stones can be left for the rain to deal with. I'm truly a gentle soul - but when faced with slugs and snails ..... well, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry! ;o)
23 May, 2012
Is Sheilabub with you yet, Nariz?
23 May, 2012
I do find broken eggshells work around individual plants such as Dahlias, trouble is we dont eat that many eggs, but I do rinse and save them all winter.
23 May, 2012
Aside from slug wool pellets (Mine have a slightly less pleasant name) I use nematodes and copper bands where appropriate.
I've been known to go out with a torch and a spare pot at night to clear off the snails chewing through my Allium stems and young petunias.
I feel bad squashing them, so just take them across the road to some woodland and dump them there.
23 May, 2012
I read in a gardeners mag yesterday that if you have slugs and use pellets you should sprinkle them on your lawn as they will be a lot there.
23 May, 2012
Not yet, Gattina - she's probably about an hour away heading in this direction in a hire car. We plan to meet up tomorrow afternoon. I'll tell her you were asking after her. :o)
23 May, 2012
Give her my love. What sort of weather are you offering her? It's been cold and wet and blowy here for ages, and the forecast isn't good for the next fortnight, but just this afternoon, the skies have cleared and it's getting too hot to work out there for very long at a stretch. I've just come in to swap a sweater for a t-shirt!
23 May, 2012
Yup! We've finally got Summer too - after me telling Sheila to pack her fleeces and wellies! She said she was packing a selection to cover everything so all should be well. I'll pass on your love. :o)
24 May, 2012
Slug Gone - these are wool pellets you mulch around susceptible plants with - the critters don't like crawling over them... Google Slug Gone for more info.
22 May, 2012