Rose blackspot
By Titchy
United Kingdom
I have read somewhere, that vinegar and water is good against blackspots. I have sprayed one rose with 7 parts water 1 part white wine vinegar, There is some slight improvement. I would like to ask if anyone has done this and if so, how often should I spray. Thanks in advance
30 Apr, 2009
Thanks for that. I always believed in what Geoff said and dont laugh I have his pictures all over a gardening folder. He was my all time favourite. Living near a beautiful beach, there is often seaweed to be had, so I could gather some and soak it well and use the liquid. Geoff would approve of that, it would be money safed. I will watch out when next buying a rose, about decease resistance. Thanks again. This was my very first question,
1 May, 2009
You're welcome Titchy! Welcome also to goy! I love it!
Do you happen to know, why it is said to not use seaweed that is laying on rocks, but to only collect from sand beds? I'm sure I read that somewhere and it's driving me mad as to why!!!
Oh, and forgot to mention that pests hate the taste of iodine that is in the seaweed! Lol!
2 May, 2009
I was a little bit joking about gathering seaweed, I'll get a bottle of the stuff. Iodine I have plenty, it's used on my husbands feet ulcers. and that's no joke. One learns something every day. Must take a picture of a shrub which is in my "slope" it looks like a mahonia, but not sure. There are so may plants here in this newish home which I am nor sure what they are, but tha't the fun of it. All the best
3 May, 2009
Sorry, I've not heard of this, but then I'm not an "experienced" gardener. Yellow roses are more susceptible to blackspot and the more modern varieties have better resistance.
Geoff Hamilton used to use Seaweed liquid (sold in lgc). This has a natural fungal ingredient in it too.
As your method seems to work, keep at it, I would spray every 2 weeks thro' the growing season. Just a guess....
Someone else may be able to give you better advice than me tho'.
30 Apr, 2009