Moving out of pots into garden
By Shell820810
United Kingdom
I am about to plant out my front garden and put a water feature in it. I hope to get all the plants in in the next week or 2.
So I have lily bulbs, and various other bulbs. Am I better planting them in pots in the meantime and moving them to the garden, or leaving them as they are and planting them straight into the garden. I also have jasmine plugs that I intend to plant into an archway with containers at the bottom, which I dont get until next week. Should I plant them in a pot at the minute, or leave as are?
30 Apr, 2009
I have jsust transplanted all my bulbs form tubs into garden and they are already growing up from soil so, i would say plant them in garden hun
30 Apr, 2009
Um, the jasmine plugs, personally I would pot them up in compost before putting into the garden. Just to get some roots established first. That's what I do with plugs anyway, as they could still be killed by an unexpected frost.
30 Apr, 2009
If you are about to buy dry summer flowering bulbs now then I would plant them directly into the ground. If you already have them growing in pots or are about to buy bulbs in pots then I would sink the pot into the ground for this year and lift it when the bulbs have died back in autumn; you can then plant them directly into the ground.
30 Apr, 2009