By Shahnaz
United Kingdom
i put evergreen in march and used forking now. Can i cut grass now.
I have weeds and moss in garden.
23 May, 2012
If you used an Evergreen product, you may have chosen one with a mosskiller and weedkiller, as well as a lawn feed. If you did, any moss you have left should by now have turned black. Cut the grass if you haven't done so already - if there are blackened areas of moss, rake those out. If you have bare patches where moss was present, rake up and loosen the areas and sow seed. Keep it watered until its grown well. Do not cut any seeded areas with a mower, you will need to do those with hand shears for the first 3 cuts. If you use seed, do not apply any more Evergreen to those parts.
23 May, 2012
Previous question
Hi Shahnaz
I am having difficulty understanding what you mean but my guess is;you have fed your lawn with 'evergreen' and you are wondering if you can cut it.
If this is the case, then I would say yes you can cut your lawn, but do not cut it too short.
A middle to high setting on your lawn mower should be fine!
Regarding the weeds!
I am not sure if you mean these are in the lawn or in the flower beds.
If they are in the lawn then the lawn mower should cut down the weeds, which will also have been fed with the 'evergreen'
The weeds should have been taken out prior to feeding.
The same with the moss it should have been removed before feeding!
Lawn maintenance is a big subject so I am going to direct you to my website where I have covered the subject quite extensively, if you use all the related links at the foot of the page you should get a better understanding of what to do;
Copy and past this link into your browser toolbar;
23 May, 2012