By Taldridge39
United Kingdom
I recently found that some tree lilies bulbs i purchased did not come up this year because they had started to rot with all the rain. I was told by the company i got them from to remove the rotting parts dry them of and treat them with a Healing Powder. Can any one tell me what this might be
23 May, 2012
Hi! This also happened to me last year with some Lupins and lillies. The supplier agreed to send me some more in November (suffice to say I'll be adding even more sand to the base this time). Not sure if I'm ignorant of "Healing Powder" and certainly don't want to make you feel any worse about your rotted lillies but if there was healing powder that could bring dead plants back to life then I think the supplier would be a billionaire by now :-) Fingers crossed I'm about to be enlightened by a more experienced gardener!
23 May, 2012
There you go, Bulbaholic to the rescue..what a cynic I am :-) Wish I hadn't given up on mine now!
23 May, 2012
It's not a perfect solution, Julie, but better than nothing. It's nice that your supplier is sending replacements.
Another commercial name for copper sulphate is Cheshunt Powder, I couldn't think of the name yesterday.
24 May, 2012
I thought Cheshunt compound was the bright blue stuff that burnt your nostrils off and copper sulphate was the yellow powder.
I've used copper sulphate for dusting bulbs prior to storage before.
Might be worth searching online a bit more as some other sites make reference to Cheshunt compound having to be withdrawn due to new chemical regulations.
24 May, 2012
Cheshunt is still available in GCs at the moment, Andip, but regulations are always changing.
24 May, 2012
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« Types of compost. Is the compost used for Azelias ok for anything else ?
I use a copper sulphate fungicide powder such as Bordeaux mixture or Murphys copperr sulphate.
23 May, 2012