United Kingdom
Ericacious compost? Following on from Kaynell's question, I recently bought a Viburnum Burkwoodii and the planting instructions for a pot advised putting a layer of pine needles in the pot. I haven't found this instruction when I've looked it up.
23 May, 2012
Viburnum Burkwoodii is not really a good subject to put in a pot as it is deciduous and will become quite a large shrub. It does not need to be planted in an acid soil. Best in sun but will tolerate partial shade.
24 May, 2012
Thanks Tug and Jimmy. I'm so pleased that it doesn't need acid soil and the layering of pine needles seemed to be at odds with what I've read. Also, It makes sense about the layering of coarse materials being a hindrance. The sunny parts of my garden are chocabloc so I thought I'd put it in a pot for now and plant it in the ground when I make room.
24 May, 2012
Hmmm. A plant that I haven't grown, but modern advice is to avoid putting layers in pots, except for a layer of coarse material on top to help insulate the roots better. Tests have found that layers of any kind, even of coarse material, underground will slow or stop the drainage, stunting or killing the plants.
23 May, 2012