United States
okay, so... my peach tree has been growing well - sadly I have shoots coming from the base of plant - with lots of leaves - but no leaves on the tree or it's many limbs... I planted it a year ago - i live in LA - do I just keep cutting the shoots that are coming from the ground - it looks alive - and I want it to get the energy it needs - so cut ALL the shoots from base?

24 May, 2012
The shoots coming from under the ground are suckers from the rootstock and all need to be removed. Unfortunately the scion looks to be dead - scrape a little of the bark away with your fingernail if it is green underneath then the tree is alive otherwise it isn't.
25 May, 2012
Over here some growers guarantee their plants if they die quickly
25 May, 2012
Agree with Moongrower - the grafted tree on top of the rootstock looks to be dead, and the growth you're getting at the base is just the rootstock.
25 May, 2012
Pamg not sure our growers guarantee fruit trees but that definitely looks like the grafted tree is dead and suckers are growing from the rootstock.
25 May, 2012
Did it have any leaves earlier this year Johnny? Or maybe last year until fall? Some diseases, like peach leaf curl cause the leaves to drop but show symptoms first of the leaves curling and turning bronze before falling. This is a difficult one to diagnose without a full history of how it started.
25 May, 2012