Weedkiller advice.
By Clm
United Kingdom
Just wondering, for advice for my elderly father....which weedkiller he should use that would kill off hundreds of dock leaves and dandelions but NOT burn all his grass?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
2 May, 2009
hes had them pulled up but they just keep coming back :(
Thanks tho :)
2 May, 2009
Oh, the seeds have obviously got set in. Sorry, hopefully someone else can help you with a name of a weedkiller. :-(
2 May, 2009
thanks very much for your replies xx
2 May, 2009
Verdone, Clm. It's a selective weed killer and will not harm the grass.
2 May, 2009
Hoeing will kill weeds just as they come through. Roundup kills quickly, weedol can be watered between plants you want to grow. With brambles and small trees use S.B.K.
2 May, 2009
thank you :) where can he buy this verdone?
2 May, 2009
Sorry CLM, I had a senior moment there, I have given you a general roundup of weedkillers for everything except grass, as Llew says Verdone is the best for grass.
2 May, 2009
Buy it from garden centres, the best buy is 1 litre for about £12.
2 May, 2009
Yep. Like Doc said, garden centres.
The price Doc mentioned is the stuff you have to dilute and make up yourself.
I got a 3 litre pack ready to spray (spray gun attached) for £10.99 so you have a choice depending on how much your dad needs.
2 May, 2009
Good luck with it Clm! Glad someone came thro' for you!
2 May, 2009
I'm sorry, I'm an organic gardener. But can you not get a local gardener to just pull all the weeds up?
2 May, 2009