Allium Gladiator leaves died
By Rayhancox
United Kingdom
Last november I got three Allium Gladiator bulbs planted in 10Lt pots they main stork gruw to aprox on all plant 6-18 ins the leaves dyed off & the tallest fell over I'm a first time grower of this plant, so What am I doing wrong they are well drained
I'm retirded 74 yrs & live at Atherstone warwickshire
On plant
2 May, 2009
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Good question, and I'd like the answer too.
I have four stems/buds on my alium and my leaves are dying too. I wondered what was wrong.
2 May, 2009
There was a gardening programme on T.V. a few nights ago, and viewing a garden expert's own garden. He had the large Allium, he said the mistake folk make is plant them in a bunch on their own, and as they have long stems and are heavy they do not look very good. but you sould under plant them with a lower growing plant and they will grow up through them with the big purple heads above the other plants. Thought it worth mentioning.
2 May, 2009
No it was not the wind that bent the stem over as for watering it's damp/wet , missed TV show,Allium's I have seen in flower had all there leaves still on when in bloom, I will do a P/M on them tomorrow. Thanks
2 May, 2009
Thanks Telme8. That is worth knowing. Ray, try staking them to hold them up?
2 May, 2009
The aliums i grow usually have yellowing leaves by the time they flower. and as they come back every year i assumed leaf die back was the norm. I have A cristophii, A.aflatuense, A. 'purple sensation'. but i do have them growing up through other plants so the failing foliage doesnt matter.
2 May, 2009
We're on the ball tonight, E, probably all glad of the sit down in front of the Computer after the hard work in the garden these nice days!
2 May, 2009
didnt get into the garden today. been for lunch with a friend who is recovering from breast cancer. she loves my girls and cant get over how grown up they suddenly have become. Me neither :o) [see my garden pest photo ;o)]
2 May, 2009
Found this for you, Ray. Might or might not help, hun.
Last year, my giant Allium flowers were big & healthy; this year the tips of the leaves are turning yellow -- last year's are looking half eaten or something & drying up. Now my new bulbs' leave tips are starting to turn yellow & dry. Help!
Old leaves should turn yellow as they're dead. They only last one year and need to be removed.
If the tips of new leaves are yellow, it is possible (probable) that you're overwatering. This can lead to rot and yellowing tips.
If the yellow is streaky down the leaves (compared to a yellow tip only) then your bulb has a virus and should be discarded.
Sometimes allium leaves will be yellow in early spring if they've been frosted a bit.
Alliums need great drainage and open soils to thrive. If you're trying to grow it in clay soils, then you're going to see problems like this with water retention.
Can't find a reason for it falling over though. Sorry.
2 May, 2009
Hi Llew, All,
Thank you Liew for your letter the yellowing of the leaves I understand,today I have taken the plant out of the pots for inspection the stork that is bent over looks like it as been eaten on the undersise of the bend ( could it have been done by a slug ? ) the bulb was softt and rotten. which leads me to think I need more grit in the compost, but thinking back about it they were planted last November and left to winter outside they where coved in snow for a long time.
If I can get some more bulbs would I have time to see them in bloom this year ?. Ray
3 May, 2009
I'm not sure if bulbs would come up in time, but perhaps you could buy one already in leaf to fill the gap? Mine was already in leaf in a pot when I bought it.
It could well be that your soil was far too wet. The bulbs don't like that.
3 May, 2009
went to Harlow Carr RHS garden at Harrogate today. Their Aliums were coming into flower and nearly all had some leaf die back. Sad that some have been overwet. There are loads for sale in gc at the moment. You might even get them reduced in price if you are lucky.
3 May, 2009
Hi Ray
I've been reading that there is a leaf miner (onion/allium) that might have caused the rotting. See if you have any white grubs. They sound disgusting - white without heads or legs! If there aren't any I'm sure one of the suggestions above will be correct.
11 May, 2013
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Hi Ray! I'm not an expert, but I would say the leaves dying off is normal. Was it the wind that caused one to fall over, or has the stem gone soft? If so, it could be that it needs watering. It'll then straighten up again.
2 May, 2009